January 31, 2024

#Empower2024: AI, Your Copilot

ProServeIT's Empower program is a free annual virtual conference designed specifically for nonprofits and charities to help them leverage the latest technology trends and achieve their missions more effectively.

Why Focus on AI?

The theme for the 2024 ProServeIT Empower conference is "AI, Your Copilot." This theme reflects the growing importance of artificial intelligence (AI) in the nonprofit sector and its potential to revolutionize how organizations operate.

Why should nonprofits and charities attend #Empower?

There are many reasons why nonprofits and charities should consider attending the ProServeIT Empower conference:

  • Gain Insights and Knowledge: Learn about the latest AI trends and how they can be applied to improve fundraising, volunteer management, program delivery, and other areas of your organization.
  • Get Hands-on Experience: Participate in workshops and sessions led by experts who will show you how to implement AI tools and strategies in your organization.
  • Connect with Peers: Network with other nonprofit and charity professionals who are also exploring the potential of AI.
  • Discover Resources: Learn about valuable resources and tools available to help you implement AI solutions in your organization.

Who Should Attend:

The ProServeIT Empower conference is ideal for:

  • Nonprofit and charity leaders: CEOs, Executive Directors, program directors, and other key decision-makers.
  • Technology leaders: CIOs, CTOs, IT directors, and other technology professionals.
  • Fundraisers: Development directors, grant writers, and other fundraising professionals.
  • Program staff: Program managers, caseworkers, and other staff members who deliver programs and services.
  • Anyone who is interested in learning more about AI and its potential for the nonprofit sector.

What You Will Learn:

Attending the ProServeIT Empower conference can provide numerous benefits for nonprofits and charities, including:

  • Increased efficiency and productivity: Learn how AI can automate tasks, streamline processes, and free up staff time to focus on other priorities.
  • Improved fundraising: Discover how AI can be used to personalize fundraising campaigns, identify potential donors, and increase donations.
  • Enhanced program delivery: Explore how AI can be used to personalize programs, provide targeted interventions, and measure program impact more effectively.
  • Greater reach and impact: Learn how AI can help you connect with more people, reach new audiences, and amplify your impact.